While Kado Sensho Ikenobo is a little know school in the United States we are very well know in Japan and most of Asia and the UK. At one time we had a large chapter in the Washington D.C. area and members from our school in Japan were asked to demonstrate at the White House. The reason this school is so special to me is that I studied and because a Sensei (teacher) while living in Japan. My Sensei Keiko Nakijima Robbins is considered a National Japanes Treasure and was presented this award in a special ceremony. You can learn more about her in my book Creating Inside the Bento Box. You can order @ www.kadosenshoikenobo.com. When we are designing flowers we incorporate the philosophy of the tea ceremony which is: Harmony, respect,purity & tranquility. Heaven, earth, mankind, negitive space and depth play an integral part of designs. You can follow me on Fb @ IkebanabyMargy or kadosenshoikenobo we are also on intagram. Come back for more about our beautiful designs!